+39 0522 513752
Centro Internazionale Loris Malaguzzi
Viale Ramazzini, 72/A
42124 Reggio Emilia - Italia
Un dialogo trasformativo tra bambini, adulti e ambiente.
Questo webinar presenta il CICLO DI WEBINAR SULLA PROGETTAZIONE: Progettare al nido e alla scuola dell’infanzia - Strategie per partecipare con i bambini alla costruzione della conoscenza.
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In questo webinar di presentazione della proposta formativa, condivideremo le idee che guidano un modo diverso di essere scuola/nido, insegnante, genitore e bambino. E’ dedicato al tema della progettazione come scelta di una idea di conoscenza che impegna l’adulto a ricercare insieme ai bambini, accogliendo la curiosità, lo stupore e l’imprevisto come parte costitutiva del suo lavoro.
Paola Cagliari was a teacher in Reggio Emilia’s “Diana” municipal preschool, pedagogista in the Pedagogical Coordination, and Director of the Istituzione of Preschools and Infant-toddler Centres of Reggio Emilia Municipality. For Reggio Children, she collaborates on realising projects involving research, publishing, exhibitions, and professional learning journeys, in Italy and abroad.
Lucia Colla has been a Teacher Educator for the Istituzione of Preschools and Infant-toddler Centres of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia since 2007.Colla collaborates with Reggio Children on the realisation of publishing projects and professional learning journeys, through participation in seminars and workshops in Italy and abroad.
Laura Rubizzi was a teacher in the Istituzione of Infant-toddler Centres and Preschools of Reggio Emilia Municipality from 1975 to 2013.For Reggio Children she collaborates on the realisation of consulting and professional learning courses through her participation in seminars and workshops in Italy and overseas.
The Hundred Languages of Children
Reggio Emilia, a history of the present
The Reggio Emilia Approach® is an educational philosophy based on the image of a child with strong potentialities for development and a subject with rights, who learns through the hundred languages belonging to all human beings, and grows in relations with others.
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